Dentistry at Manotick
(613) 491-3300
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Differences between earache and toothache

Can an Infected Tooth Cause Ear Pain & Discomfort?

Earaches are often caused by fluids in the eardrum, inflammation or cold and flu, whereas toothaches may be caused by bacteria, cavities, gum disease or tooth injuries. Ear infection symptoms can vary depending on where the infection is located. You might suffer from an earache and fever, or experience dizziness and nausea. However, there's one symptom you might not be aware is connected to the infection: tooth pain. When determining the cause of your pain, our dentists will examine your mouth, and discuss your symptoms and medical history with you.

Symptoms of Toothache

From a cavity to infected gums, a sinus infection or too much exercise, a toothache can have a lot of causes.

Symptoms of a toothache can include tooth discomfort, an aching sensation after you’ve eaten or consumed a hot/cold beverage, bad breath (halitosis), fever, swollen glands, and earaches. Make sure to consult our dentists at Dentistry @ Manotick .

Symptoms of Earache

Earaches may be caused by fluid in the eardrum, infection, injury, blockage, having a cold or flu, or tooth and jaw pain.

The signs of earaches and toothaches correlate, and this is mostly due to the fact that the sinuses are situated very close to the top of your back teeth. Some discomfort or pain in the sinuses may cause these teeth and create the feeling of a toothache when it could be your ear that is really causing you pain.

Contact our team today!

If you are seeking relief from ear pain that is caused by dental problems, contact our office online to set up an appointment or call (613) 491-3300

Dentistry @ Manotick


Dental Implant Consultation

(613) 491-3300

Dental Implants Complete Your Smile, call us for our Implant Dentistry services.

If you're missing one or more teeth and would like to fill the gap with the most natural-looking, comfortable solution possible, you'll be interested in hearing about Implant dentistry.

Our team aims to provide pain-free Family Dentistry, Implant Dentistry and Emergency Dental Care in a relaxing environment.